Star Wars Naboo Starfighter
This model was built during the 12 hour build event during the Christmas 2012 holiday break.  I was not sure if I could get Alclad
chrome to work in 12 hours.  Normally, this chrome lacquer should be airbrushed over super smooth, fully cured enamel gloss
black enamel.  On this model, it was airbrushed over acrylic gloss black that had dried for 2 hours and had quite a bit of orange
peel.  It turned out more like a steel colour, rather than chrome.  Ah well, lesson learned.

I was never happy with the original paint, so when Revell released their "Chrom Spray" in late 2023, I thought I might try it.  The
model was partially disassembled and the metallic areas sanded and then polished smooth.  They were then sprayed straight from
the can and then the model reassembled.  A much better result, but after a few days the paint started to fade is small spots.

Base Kit(s):        1/72 scale Fine Molds Naboo Starfighter (kit number SW15)

Finished:            December 2012  (re-painted Feb 2024)

- out of the box
- Paint is Tamiya acrylics (yellow with a couple of drops of orange) and
Revell Chrom spray

Click on Thumbnail to see detailed image.  These images are 1024 x 768 and should load reasonably quickly,
depending on your connection speed.
Evan Jones Sci-Fi Models